MAY I APPROACH® Coming soon to a streaming service near you!

After a few years of planning (and, let’s be honest, stressing/delaying!), I have finally mustered up enough courage to put out a not-perfect podcast! In my effort to take a little of the medicine I dish out GENEROUSLY to my children…not to mention in my TedX talk: The Imperfect Path to Peace, (oh, the irony – hahaha) THIS IS HAPPENING. Yay! The podcast trailer is done (it sounds so legit, too)! One interview is GOOD TO GO (and, a BIT embarrassingly, has been for about a year now)! I am still editing one more (recorded fairly recently), and I have a few requests out to get a third interview locked and loaded this week. YAY!

BTW, do you (or someone you know) have a unique story to share with our Community? Keep in mind, I’m looking to tell the stories of EVERYDAY women, making a difference EVERY DAY. So, that IS you! That IS women you know. So, please email me with more info at:, and THANK YOU! I’m honored to get to elevate YOUR stories, GIRL ATTORNEY® Members, and I COULD NOT BE MORE EXCITED!

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