Breast Implants Are Linked to Cancer—and Women Are Demanding the FDA Do More

From Glamour authored by Macaela Mackenzie:

“Getting breast implants is a highly personal choice. Whether you find think they are genuinely empowering or find more power in being au naturel, women should be informed of the risks—especially since breast implants are linked to cancer. Now women are demanding the U.S. Food and Drug Administration step up.

Earlier this week the FDA agreed during a public hearing that the agency needs to do more to warn women of the risks of breast implants after hearing powerful testimonies from women like Jamee Cook, a former E.R. paramedic turned patient advocate. She shared that she dealt with serious complications for years: swollen lymph nodes, killer migraines, constant fatigue, and even a low-grade fever, The Washington Post reported. “I was not warned,” about the risks, she told the committee, despite the fact that women have been reporting problems like this after getting implants since the 1960s.

There’s an even more serious risk associated with breast implants: cancer. The link between certain types of breast implants and cancer is long-established—in 2011 the FDA identified a possible connection between implants and a heightened risk of a rare immune system cancer called anaplastic large cell lymphoma (or breast implant associated ALCL). At the time the data was too thin to deter many women (or doctors), but a few more years of research proved the connection. In 2016 the World Health Organization confirmed the link.”

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