Some of you have been here from day one (July 2016), and some have joined within the last 24 hours. However long, each of you contributes to our diversity and makes up our strength.
In the almost eight years since I first began this Facebook-Group experiment (imagining initially only a social outlet for us), things have changed a lot from where I/we started. I remain in awe of all of you, and thankful for my “front row seat” to all the good you are doing for and with one another, every day.
Of course (as you have experienced for yourself) the Groups facilitate a variety of Posts, but primarily the GIRL ATTORNEY® Groups “feeds” tend toward Posts and Comments about the law. We see (and respond to) questions about which law will apply, how it will apply, and consequences of application of the law.
For those of us who are practicing attorneys, no matter which state(s) in/from which we practice, we have all sworn an oath. “Swearing the lawyer’s oath is the admission ticket to the privilege of practicing law. Each state’s oath varies. However, there is a similarity in all oaths: every lawyer swears to support the Constitution of the United States.” Malone, BD (2020, May 15). The Burden of Our Privilege. ABA.
With the recent Executive Orders signed (and rescinded) over the last few weeks, many of us (as in: many more than usual) are in the difficult position of trying to define (for ourselves, our clients, our family, our friends, our community, and – in fact – even our nation) what the long and short-term implications are of these “EO”s, and to address the difficult legal questions as to whether or not such actions are Constitutional, and – if not – what we can do (in fact: should do, per our oaths) in response.
Note: I am sympathetic that, as folks Post or Comment in our Community about how to overcome (let alone understand) the legal issues that have arisen from the decisions of politicians, others in the Community quite naturally may feel that to even raise these legal issues is to “talk politics” in violation of the Posting Guidelines.
However, please consider the fact that there is a categorical difference between a Post of mere political opinion versus a Post about the legal implications of, and a legitimate and legal call to action in response to, laws that have been set into motion by a politician.
In fact, conversations about different views of a law have been a backbone of the GIRL ATTORNEY® Community since its inception. Conversations between people holding different views of what the law can or should be, have led to constructive and respectful dialogue. Admittedly, occasionally (even more precisely: rarely) devolving into an unproductive argument. The value of our being able to continue to use these spaces to have conversations to help us accomplish good through our work and lives, and to collaborate to uphold our oaths to support the Constitution is as important as ever. If you do not agree with something someone has posted about what they see as the harmful application of a law, or the unconstitutionality (as just a couple of examples) the invitation is always there: to comment, to engage directly, and express/support your differing view.
In general, as it is the beginning of a new year, it’s probably a good idea to review the Posting Guidelines again before you post/comment/report, here is the LINK to them (arguably the most helpful guide of all is the one re Tone – just scroll down the page, you’ll find it).
Of course, any time you see that any of the Posting Guidelines have been violated – please report (use the three dots) to the Admin (me) and Mods (depends on the Group: TY Mods!).
A decision will be made as soon as possible.
With Deepest Respect,