From Extreme You authored by Sarah Robb O’Hagan:
“In the Spring of 2009, I had just returned to work after giving birth to my third child, when I received an excited request from the PR team to participate in a photoshoot for a media article about the turnaround of Gatorade. Those were still the glorious days when it didn’t really occur to me that any photo taken might end up on the internet… to be searched by anyone… for EVER. Given that I was only a few months postpartum, I was carrying some extra pounds and not to mention a phenomenon that many new Moms will relate to – EXTREME helmet hair. Something happens after you give birth that causes your hair to puff up like a fucking mushroom, no matter how hard you try to straighten and condition it. In retrospect I now also wonder if postpartum hormones are the cause of highly questionable fashion choices. I was SO into the jacket that I chose to wear in that shoot, thinking it was some kind of combo of power business chick meets Italian fashion chic. Little did I know that it actually made me look like some kind of overbearing “horsie” mother.
Fast forward a few years and to my surprise, I was featured in a Forbes magazine article online. My initial excitement at seeing my name pop up in such a credible outlet through my google alert… was quickly followed by the horror of realizing that the helmet hair picture had been picked to accompany the article. Not only did I have to deal with my besties mercilessly taking the piss out of me for THOSE BANGS, but the joke just NEVER ended. As recently as a year ago, one of my closest friends would delight in repeatedly googling that particular article to “run it up the search engine” so that anyone googling me would first be greeted with that image.”