Charlotte E. Ray’s Brief But Historic Career as the First U.S. Black Woman Attorney

From History authored by Erin Blakemore:

“Martha Gadley’s marriage was a nightmare. When her husband drank, he turned increasingly violent. One night, he used an ax to chop a hole in the floor and threatened to push her into the room below. He refused to bring her water when she was sick. When she left the house, he nailed up the entrance and put padlocks on the door.

Martha had had enough. She decided to file for divorce—a gutsy move for an illiterate black woman. But it was 1875, and the law cared little about domestic violence. Her petition was turned down and her case dismissed. So she took the unusual move of taking her divorce to a higher court—and found a champion in an equally unusual attorney, Charlotte E. Ray.

Ray wasn’t just any lawyer. She was one of just a handful of women who practiced law in the United States. She wasn’t just one of the first female lawyers, either: She is thought to be the country’s first black woman lawyer. In a vividly wordedpetition, Ray took Martha’s plea to the District of Columbia Supreme Court, and managed to score a rare victory on Martha’s behalf.”

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The DNC just served Wikileaks with a lawsuit over Twitter

From Mashable authored by Matt Binder

“Wikileaks just got served with a tweet.

On Friday, the law firm representing the Democratic National Committee served Wikileaks with a single tweet, linking to a number of legal documents related to its lawsuit against the organization founded by Julian Assange.

Cohen Milstein, the firm representing the DNC, set up the Twitter account @ProcessServiceC just this August, and fired off that single tweet — the account’s first and only posting so far — at Wikileaks today, effectively serving them with the lawsuit.”

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Houston Judge Issues Order Granting Pregnant Lawyers Automatic Trial Stays

From Texas Lawyer authored by John Council:

“Pregnant litigators already have enough to worry about without trial dates getting in the way of due dates.

So Houston state district Judge Ravi Sandill recently issued a standing order that grants expecting lawyers an automatic continuance of a trial setting in his court for up to 120 days before the birth or adoption of a child.

“We did it for a couple of reasons,” said Sandill, judge of Harris County’s 127th District Court. “For one, it’s the right thing to do. And secondly — I think most judges do this already — but it alleviates anxiety for lawyers.”

Sandill said he came up with the idea after reading about Christen E. Luikart, a pregnant Florida lawyer whose motion for continuance sparked controversy  last month after her opposing counsel objected to it — just as the Florida Supreme Court is weighing a proposed rule that would create a presumption that pregnant lawyers should get three-month continuances.

“After reading about that, I thought if we could push this, leading by example is not a bad thing for the practice,’’ Sandill said of his order.”

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Yes, You Can Be A Breastfeeding Mom And A Trial Attorney At The Same Time

From Above the Law authored by Kathryn Rubino:

“For those that attempt it, quest to balance the demands of motherhood with the stressful career as a lawyer is never ending. That’s supercharged when you’re a breastfeeding mom — one of the most time-intensive stages in your child’s development — and you’re also at trial — one of the most time-intensive stages of your career. So how can you make it work?

Jennifer Feld, a shareholder at Kubicki Draperwrote an article for sharing her best tips and tricks for surviving the pressure of having it all. It’s a great read that you should check out, but here are some of the best tidbits.”

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Bryan Stevenson calls on lawyers to get uncomfortable and deepen commitment to justice

From ABA Journal authored by Kevin Davis:

“Bryan Stevenson, founder and executive director of the Equal Justice Initiative, urged his fellow attorneys to deepen their commitment to justice, be willing to get uncomfortable and never lose hope.

During an impassioned speech before the American Bar Association General Assembly at the ABA Annual Meeting in Chicago on Saturday night, Stevenson offered ways to address the injustices he has spent a career trying to remedy.

“There is an urgent need for us to keep doing what we’re doing—but to actually do more,” he said. “We’ve got to find new ways to create justice, to open doors that have been closed for too long, to create opportunities for people who feel marginalized and excluded.”

Stevenson’s remarks came after ABA President Hilarie Bass presented him with the ABA Medal, the association’s highest honor. The ABA Medal recognizes exceptionally distinguished service by a lawyer or lawyers to the cause of American jurisprudence.

Stevenson said the privilege of practicing law and having an education allows lawyers to make choices in how they use that privilege. “We have an opportunity to do things that matter,” he said. ‘There can’t be enough lawyers who are helping those without counsel. Our commitment, literally, has to be to get closer to those who are suffering.’”

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Parents Who Are Addicted To Their Cell Phones Affect Their Children’s Development – According To Scientists


“Technology is everywhere and is here to stay. We have it in our homes, offices, schools, and always easily accessible in the palm of our hand thanks to smartphone technology. While there are thousands of positive changes technology has made and continues to make in our daily lives, it’s no secret that it also comes with its cons.”

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She was told to cover up while breast-feeding at the pool. Here’s how these moms are responding.

From The Lily authored by Torey Van Oot:

“Since giving birth to her son, Roman, in April, Stephanie Buchanan has breast-fed whenever and wherever she needed — whether she was hanging at the park, shopping at Walmart or grabbing a bite at Wendy’s.

So when her baby started to fuss during a recent trip to a community pool in her hometown of Mora, Minn., the 27-year-old mom didn’t think twice about nursing as she watched her 4-year-old stepson and his young cousin splash around in the shallow water. Her sister-in-law, also mother to an infant, had done the same shortly before.

“We had brought our kids swimming and all of them are fairly young so we were all in the kiddie pool,” Buchanan says. “My son got hungry, and I was wearing a one piece so I slipped my strap down and fed him.”

But soon after, another pool-goer came over and asked the two moms to cover up, arguing that the scene wasn’t appropriate for her own young boys playing in the pool.

“Taken aback and shocked,” Buchanan says she declined.

A pool employee came and asked the pair to be more discreet or go to the locker room. Buchanan stood her ground, citing state law protecting a woman’s right to breast-feed in public. Eventually, an officer was called to the scene. Buchanan said while they were planning on leaving anyway by the time the police arrived, the situation ruined the outing for the mothers and the children.

“We did our walk of shame with our kids in front of the entire pool, completely humiliated,” Buchanan says.”

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What Will It Take to Get More Women on Boards?

From Kellog Insight authored by Victoria Medvec:

“Women are a rapidly growing economic force in many leading and developing economies. In the United States, for instance, women have influenced or controlled nearly three-quarters of household spending for the past several years, and their spending share may be as high as 80 percent, particularly when it comes to grocery and other retail purchases.

It is critical for companies to ensure that they represent this important customer base within the boardroom. Without greater female representation on their boards, companies are losing out on not only an important segment of talent, but on a critical marketplace perspective.

While boardroom gender diversity has been slowly increasing, it remains modest in comparison to women’s influence on spending. Among S&P 500 companies, women account for 19.9 percent of directors; globally, the number is about 14.7 percent.

Getting more women serving on boards will take a proactive approach by both companies and female director candidates. Here are ways to build more momentum around this effort.”

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I Tested Everlane’s Work Pants to See What All the Hype Was About

From Glamour authored by Alexandra Ilyashov:

“Everlane, the beloved direct-to-consumer retailer that underscores its radical transparency with pricing and manufacturing, tends to know precisely which polished basics its loyal customers are (or soon will be) hankering for: When the seven-year-old e-comm-focused brand launches a new product, quick sell-outs and wait list soon follow. (When Everlane debuted denim with three styles in 2017, there was a 45,478-person wait list…on launch day.) Its Work Pant, unveiled at the beginning of 2018, is no exception.

On January 25 Everlane rolled out the $50 trousers (traditional retail price: $100) in regular and ankle lengths, in a few muted colors, like navy, gray, and dark green. Just one day later the humble, pretty plain office-apropos pants were out of stock and had racked up a pretty insane wait list—12,000 people deep. And while restocks usually happen within a few weeks, the Work Pant took four full months to slowly trickle back to its website. It reappeared in late May.

The initial design objective was “to create a slim pant that was comfortable and looked tailored enough to wear to work,” explains Kelli Dugan, Everlane’s head of merchandising. The design team sampled two different fabrics and spent over a year working toward the best possible fit, she explains, and even focus-grouped the style before producing it. “We held a 30-person fit clinic to understand how the pant fit on different sizes and shapes,” she says. ‘The result was a pant made with a comfortable four-way stretch with a flattering high waist, side zip, and a leg-lengthening back seam detail.’”

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Ruth Bader Ginsburg Says She Will Serve ‘At Least Another 5 Years’ on the Supreme Court

From TIME authored by Billy Perrigo:

“Left-leaning Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg said Sunday she plans to spend “at least another five years” on the Supreme Court, in remarks that may comfort liberals as President Donald Trump’s second nominee, Brett Kavanaugh, is likely to herald a rightward shift for the country’s highest court.

“I’m now 85,” Ginsburg said. “My senior colleague, Justice John Paul Stevens, he stepped down when he was 90, so think I have about at least five more years.”

Ginsburg made the comments in a conversation after the performance of a play, The Originalist, about her friend and former colleague, Justice Antonin Scalia, who died in 2016. Despite Scalia’s frequently conservative views, he and Ginsberg shared a friendship based in part around a love of theater and opera.”

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