Having confidence as a woman leader

From We Are The City authored b

“As true as it is that 21st century woman leaders still face many challenges in the work – including the glass ceiling, misconceptions, social stigma, gender differences and negative employee reactions – the biggest challenge we face is ourselves.

Our levels of self-confidence as female leaders tend to fluctuate at the best of times and can often be critically low. What can we do to boost our confidence and performance as leaders?”

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Do Lawyers Make Better CEOs Than MBAs?

From Harvard Business Review authored b

“The bad news keeps coming for Wells Fargo. A nearly $150 million settlement is pending for the fake-account scandal that roiled the bank last year, and a new scandal has emerged: Recently it has been alleged that thousands of customers were signed up for insurance without their knowledge. A bevy of lawsuits is in the pipeline, and regulatory scrutiny is intensifying. Meanwhile, one of Well Fargo’s chief competitors, Bank of America, has been relatively scandal free, with impressive revenue and profit results for the first half of 2017. What explains the divergence in the fortunes of two of the U.S.’s largest banks?

One possibility is the tone at the top. For the past several years, Wells Fargo has been run by MBAs, while Bank of America’s CEO since 2010, Brian Moynihan, has a law degree from Notre Dame. Might this difference in education influence how CEOs behave when it comes to setting a course and trimming corporate sails? After all, there’s a subtle difference in how these two disciplines train people to understand and manage risks: Legal training focuses on the downside of particular actions, while business training may emphasize the upsides for shareholder value from risk taking.”

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Jordan just appointed its first-ever female Supreme Court judge

From Step Feed authored b

“Jordanian Judge Ihsan Zuhdi Barakat has broken the glass ceiling as the first-ever female judge in the kingdom’s Supreme Court, Jordanian news agency Petra reported on Thursday.

In the Judicial Council’s recently-announced promotions, the Amman Court of Appeal judge has been promoted to the Supreme court, becoming the first Jordanian woman to ever reach the highest position in the judiciary.

According to Jordan Times, Barakat has already made huge strides as a woman in the field of law, as she was the first woman in the kingdom to serve as Amman’s attorney general, the first to chair the West Amman Court, and the first to be appointed as an inspector at the Judicial Inspections Directorate.

That’s not all. She has previously worked as a judicial inspector and appeal judge at the Amman Court of Appeal, as well as a president for the Legal Network for Arab Women, which is a regional non-governmental and non-profit organization that supports Arab women working in legal professions.”

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Got Milk? Eleventh Circuit Holds That Discrimination Because of Employee’s Breastfeeding is Unlawful Discrimination

From Verdict Justia authored b

“What’s to be done with a police officer who has a baby, returns to work, and wishes to continue breastfeeding her baby? If you’re the Tuscaloosa Police Department (TPD), you might suddenly start giving her poor evaluations, refer to her behind her back with gendered slurs, or tell her could just patrol the streets without a bullet-proof vest if the assigned one could not be used while she was lactating. You might deny her the light-duty that she could have performed safely and which was offered to other officers with temporary limitations. You might make her life a living hell until she quits—and goes from working as an active-duty police officer to catch-as-catch-can work cleaning houses, taking photographs for friends, and teaching fitness classes. And if you did all these things, would you have committed actionable discrimination? A jury said yes, and the US Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit, in Hicks v. City of Tuscaloosa, just affirmed the verdict. In its ruling, the appellate court joined a growing chorus of courts that seem to recognize the inextricable connection between pregnancy and lactation—and thus the need to protect lactating women against discrimination.”

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Report: At WH dinner, Pelosi asked, ‘Do the women get to talk around here?’

From CNN Politics authored b

“Washington (CNN)House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi asked “Do the women get to talk around here?” during the White House dinner on Wednesday night over the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, according to a report in The Washington Post.

The Post reported that during the dinner, Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross asked the 11 people at the table — including Pelosi, the only woman present — what President Donald Trump got out of the deal made with Democrats on border security and DACA.
As Pelosi tried to make her point that Trump would get support from Democrats on a variety of issues, the men at the table started talking over each other.
“Do the women get to talk around here?” Pelosi asked, two people familiar with the exchange told the Post.
The table fell silent and she was not interrupted again, the Post reported.”

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Girl power has lifted up women but failed men

From The Washington Post authored b

“An ex recently told me that, among my many flaws was my belief that, physical feats aside, there is no discernible difference in the capabilities of men and women. To be fair, I considered it a flaw that he did not believe the same.

To my way of thinking, it is completely illogical for a person reared in the age of Margaret Thatcher and MC Lyte to hold on to the fallacy that — matters of anatomy notwithstanding — there is anything a man can do that a woman cannot. Show me a man’s accomplishments, and I’ll raise you a woman who did the same or close to it while “dancing backward in heels.”

Whether we want to do those things is a different matter altogether, but the ability is there. Just as the ability for men to cook, clean and care for children is there, too. Much of what we assign to gender roles is a matter of skill and instruction vs. cognitive ability. It is conditioning, which can be undone. Which should be undone if we want to have authentic relationships with one another. Relationships built on the truth of who each person is vs. who they believe they need to be to make things work.”


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Tapping the Potential: The Keys to Inspiring Women Leaders

From Women of the Channel authored b

“As a longtime female leader at Adobe, I’ve had the opportunity to mentor dozens of women across our organization — women from all departments, divisions, and walks of life.

And while these mentoring experiences were intended to guide others, I ended up learning a lot through the process, particularly about women professionals themselves — what inspires them, challenges them, and makes them tick.

Women have unique circumstances that, in my experience, play a big role in making them successful both at home and in their professional careers. Women’s circumstances also guide what they respond to in being mentored, as well as what inspires them and pushes them further toward success.”

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From Fashionista authored b

“Imagine you’re a weaver or leather-worker in Guatemala. You labor intensely over a product — let’s say a bag featuring textiles unique to your heritage — and sell it to an American tourist for $35. It’s worth a good deal more, you think, but the American drives a hard bargain and considering 65 percent of your nation lives below the poverty line, something is always better than nothing. You take the sale.

A few months later, you stumble across the bag you made selling online for nearly $300 on an American website that claims to be benefitting artisans like yourself. The website may feature a picture of yourself that you never gave the visiting tourist permission to take or use, or it may feature a picture of a weaver you’ve never met from another village.

It’s a maddening scenario, but unfortunately one that’s extremely common for a group of skilled craftspeople whose work is in high demand on a global scale, but whose access and knowledge about how to create their own e-commerce avenues has been lacking.”


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Female Trial Attorneys in U.K. Notch a Win for Equality

From Bloomberg Law authored b

“London’s female trial lawyers have scored a small but symbolic victory: access to the men’s locker room.

The new unisex space at Southwark Crown Court, one of London’s most famous courthouses and the stage for prosecutions in Libor, came after female barristers complained about being left out of conversations on their cases with male peers. While the change may seem minor, it comes just as the U.K. appointed a female Supreme Court president, a first in a field dominated at the top by men.

The British judiciary and trial lawyers have long struggled with gender balance. The number of women becoming trial attorneys, known as barristers, was slightly higher than men in 2016, yet only 14 percent of the best-paid tier, known as Queen’s Counsel, is female, according to a December report from the U.K. Bar Standards Board.

“Gender should play no part in the role or status of a barrister,” Judge Deborah Taylor, the judge who made the room change in Southwark, said in an emailed statement. Some women said exclusion from the locker room meant “agreements were made before they were consulted.”

Barristers use the rooms to put their black gowns over their clothes and don white wigs, which are usually made of horsehair. The costume is required in most courts and dates to medieval times.”

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Courtroom Study Finds Women Lawyers Eclipsed in Complex Cases

From Law.com authored b

“A study of New York courtrooms shows women attorneys account for only 25 percent of lead counsel roles.

The study’s findings were released Thursday in a report by the commercial and federal litigation section of the New York State Bar Association.

Results were similar in commercial and criminal cases within the private sector, but women attorneys in the public sector fared far better, according to the report. “The low percentage of women attorneys appearing in a speaking role in courts was found at every level and in every type of court: upstate and downstate, federal and state, trial and appellate, criminal and civil, ex parte applications and multiparty matters,” the report said.

The study, conducted from September through December last year, included participation from the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit, two of the four federal district courts in New York, the state Court of Appeals, the Appellate Division and Commercial Divisions in the Supreme Court. In all, about 2,800 questionnaires were completed and returned by judges.”

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