From Above the Law authored by Kelly Twigger:
“I could not have imagined this time last year that Twitter would be the primary way that the President would communicate with the American people, but here we are. And he’s not the only one — we’ve seen Twitter wars resulting in lawsuits, and some folks are even now suing the President for blocking them on Twitter.
As I watch story after story play out through the tweets of @realDonaldTrump, it occurred to me that IF there was ever a time when lawyers compiled and sought to present evidence against the administration or some member of it, there may be one less hurdle to climb.
Are the tweets of @realDonaldTrump self-authenticating?
One of the biggest issues in introducing social media evidence is overcoming authentication and how to preserve, produce and introduce social media evidence at trial. And while it seems unlikely that there may be an authenticity problem given the President’s propensity to re-emphasize what he said and meant about each tweet he sends, let’s play it out anyway.”
Read the full story by FOLLOWING THIS LINK.