Merriam Webster Def Boy vs. Girl

GIRL. ATTORNEY. Been doing a bit of homework/research in prep for the launch of the website – and came across these definitions. Interesting, huh? Of course, I am well-aware of the vernacular bias against ‘Girl’ as to a grown woman (particularly when expressed by a man) – but I was genuinely surprised to see it as a ‘codified’ difference [as contrasted with ‘Boy’] in the Dictionary.

I would like to go on record that if I don’t…before I die…get Merriam-Webster to add:

‘3….GAL, PERSON <the girls at the office>,’

I will have failed.

BECAUSE it’s our culture that allowed ‘girl’ to not be elevated along with….’the boys at the office’ and – well – I believe this can and should change.

(Thanks GA, Johanna Miller, for the idea to tweet the inquiry to M-W directly!)

#MerriamWebster #GIRLdefinition #BOYdefinition #GIRLATTORNEY #GIRLSATTHEOFFICE

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Yanez on Panel

While you were weekending ;)…. Jessica Yanez, Esq. of Yañez Immigration Law and Professor at Elon Law and Tiffany D. Atkins, Esq. Professor at Elon Law, were leading by serving….as panelists at Elon University School of Law. The panel discussed “Professionalism and Intercultural Engagement: The Legal Profession’s Challenge.” THANK YOU, LADIES, for sharing your time, knowledge, and experiences – to educate and inspire the next generation of legal professionals….especially the #GIRLATTORNEYS! Young women need to see US up there, too!

#GIRLATTORNEYS #GAsLeadingByServing #Intercultural #GAPanelists

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19th Amendment Constitutional

TODAY – February 27, 1922 – Womens’ right to vote was ACTUALLY – FINALLY secured when SCOTUS ruled that the 19th Amendment was constitutional.

“Oscar Leser, a judge, sued to have their names removed from the voting rolls, on the grounds that the Maryland constitution said only men could vote, and that Maryland had not ratified the new amendment to the federal constitution — and in fact, Leser argued, the new amendment wasn’t even part of the constitution at all.”

Oh, Oscar….I hope you are rolling over in your grave today – and, every day.

#SUFFRAGETTES #GAsVOTE #OscarLeser #19thAmendment #Constitutional #SCOTUS

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Lucky Pencil

There are future GAs sitting for the Oklahoma Bar Exam today & tomorrow. Some are taking it for the first time, hoping against hope that they never have to take it again. Others are having to overcome the confidence hurdle that was placed ahead of them, as they ARE taking it again.

Y’all please think happy thoughts for all of these gals today. I took it – a decade ago, today – and I still remember being terrified that the one test related to law school that I’d studied for….more than all prior law school exam studying combined….I would fail. I mean, some folks always do – why not me? I know, I might have a bit of a confidence issue…..

ANYWAY, my sister had these pencils made up for me as I studied, and practiced for the exam. I even had a few left/unused before the exam, that I sharpened up and handed out before the test started. Not only did I pass – but a gentleman who will remain unnamed, who’d taken and failed the exam no fewer than four times – also passed.

So, there must be SOMETHING special in these pencils, right? So, I offer this pencil, symbolically, to all the future GAs – trying to mind over matter recall the massive volume of information which can be genuinely so overwhelming that it is scary and can be undermining.


#FutureGA, #FutureGAs, #LuckyPencil, #LuckyPencils, #Sisterlove, #BarExamsSuck, #DoTheWork, #ILLDOIT, #GIRLATTORNEYS, #YouGotThis, #YallWillDoIt, #GAOKFB

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GA Sticker Pride

Woo-hoo! These just came in the mail today, and will be available for sale on the website, when it launches 🚀 on March 15th! FYI, there will only be VERY limited items for sale….I have no intention or desire to peddle goods! But, anyway, a handful of items, including this 3″ sticker of the GA logo.


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EVERY U.S. state has a GIRL ATTORNEY FB Group + D.C.

As of this week, every single U.S. state has its own private GIRL ATTORNEY FB Group (though many – of course – have no members, as they have not been officially launched). Also, each state Group has its own, unique, state “cover photo.” 🙂

IF you would like to be added to any of the State Groups, please send me an email at and let me know a) your FB-known email address and b) which state Group(s) to which you want to be added (again, of course, some of these will not have been officially launched and you may be the one/only/first state member – but, that’s okay with me, as long as it is okay with you).

ALSO, if you would be interested (or you know someone who might be able to help) in helping to officially “launch” one of the state Groups, please let me know. Happy to pass along what that involves (low-impact deal, actually), for you – or whomever – to consider.

Finally, MUCH LOVE to all of you – WOW – what a week to be a lawyer in the U.S. I really hope that GA will continue to serve in the background to, in part, simply help GAs connect to find the answers to the questions they have about how to better serve their clients. Not to mention, for the high fives. Y’all are killin’ it out there, ladies. Keep up the good work.

XO, S.


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EVERYONE who passed, if you’re willing, tell us IN THE COMMENTS BELOW where you were when you found out – would love to share your story with you!

IF you didn’t pass – DON’T LET ANY CRAP GET IN YOUR HEAD ABOUT IT. MOST of us who passed will readily admit we had legitimate fear about passing and THANKED OUR STARS when we found out we passed. THERE IS NO SHAME in not passing – there is a NEXT STEP. Go where you’re loved, be honest with yourself about how crappy crap crappy the situation is, and hold your head up. Also, PM me. I’ll take you to lunch and listen and let you cry or vent or not talk about it at all. LOVE you, really.

Here for you,  Susan

The following list includes EVERYONE who passed the July 2016 exam.
Adams Dooley, Socorro
Adcock, Rachel Ann
Addison, David Colby
Adkins, Amanda Lauren
Aery, Robert Gerald
Albritton, Tamra Dawn
Alfonso, Anthony Michael
Alison, Matthew Dean
Anders, Becki KayLynn
Bachman, Samantha Rebecca
Barr, Jonathan
Barresi, Emalee Jo
Beake, Georgia Basore
Becka, Carolyn Beth
Bergren, Stephen Michael
Berklacy, Steven Andrew
Betts, Benjamin Salter
Bird, Christine Catherine
Bisher, Riley Marie
Bogaski, Genesis Madai
Bowler, Dekovan Lee
Bracher, Brian Dwayne
Bruhwiler, Beau Scott
Calvert, Connie Lynn
Camp, Jessica Raye
Cannon, Kayla Dawn
Capps, Cameron Ross
Carr, Cassia Claude
Carroll, Matthew Michael
Cartwright, Micah Brianne
Castonguay, Chelsea Marie
Cawood, Kayla Jean
Chapman, Cody Alan
Chapman, Graham Harms
Chilcoat, Kelsey Ann
Chow, Christina Yi-Ting
Christie, Claire Lea
Clancy, Samuel Paul
Cody, Byron Grant
Coffey, Nicholas Michael
Cohrs, Forrest David
Colpitts, Lauren Danielle
Cook-Campbell, Brinkley Beecher
Cooper, Kylie Paige
Cooper, Zachary Samuel
Cox, David Alan
Curtis, John Charles
Daniel, Jacob Riley
Daugherty, Bailey Ann
David, Rebecca Jo
Davis, Andrew Ray
Davis, Kara M
Dawkins, Grace Elizabeth
DeBose, Antuanya SanTaro
Dennis, Haley Jo
Dickerson, Corbin Blake
Dickson, Isaac Jorel
Dixon, Bryan Charles
Dowdy, Margaret Jean
Dunn, Kaitlyn Renee
Dunning, Katherine Elise
Earley, Charles Alexander
Easley, Kevin Alan
Eberhard, Gregory Alan
El Aroua, Melissa Renee
Farinha, Andre Valentim
Farris, Alayna Jo
Fisher, Kristin Nicole
Forbes, John Charles
Freeman, Kinsey Cie
Fryar, Andrea Beth
Galaviz, Colleen Leann
Gebhart, Nancy Roxane
Gibbons, Clare Glynis
Glass, Carson Kennedy
Gollihare, Brette Nichole
Gomez, Lauren Alyssa
Gorham, Hershel Marcellous
Green, John Thomas
Green, Teresa Lou
Gregory, Erin Lindsay
Hahn, Cooper Thomas
Haines, Avery Barrett
Hall, James Donald
Hall, Nathaniel Brooks
Hamilton, Ruth Ellen Lando
Harris, Marshall Bryan
Hayes, Mark Alan
Haynes, Allison Leigh
Haynie, Ryan Alan
Helberg, Matthew Thomas
Hendrickson, Jeffrey Calvin
Holland, Brittany Mary Ann Bates
Holman, Matthew Jared
Hon, Maryann Margaret
Hoog, Patrick Jerome
Housel, Zachary Kyle
Howell, Delanie Brooke
Hubbert, Jason Wade
Hudson, Hilary Ann
Islas, Devlan Richard
Jackson, Garrett Blake
Janes, Jared Matthew
Jenkins, Kimberly Pogue
Johnson, Ge’Andra Denise
Johnston, Cameron Miles
Joseph, Danny
Kemper, Kevin Ray
Kent, Jeremy Alan
Kistler, Lindsay Nichole
Kuykendall, Monica Michelle
Lanier, Sarah Margaret Breland
Leake, Michael Timothy
Leavitt, Ashley Holbrook
Levinthal, Asher Ross
Lewis, Jennifer Lynn
Lindley, Sheridan Rene
Looney, Alyssa Ryna Holman
Lorenson, Kailey Dane
Luckert, Maria Anna
Mahoney, John Patrick
Mashburn, Berry Michael
McCaslin, Benjamin Michael
McClellan, Deric James
McCord, Matthew S.
McCord, Suzannah R.
McGrew, Robert Mitchell
McPherson, Meaghen
McRorie, Matthew Ryan
Merchant, Samuel
Middleton, Wynoka
Miller, Jeremy Steven
Mitcham, Lauren
Mitchell, Christiaan Douglas
Moroz, Christen Michelle
Moser, Dorothy Annalee
Mowdy, Matthew Clay
Moyer, Lucas Robert
Mullaliu, Vilard
Murphy-Clemandot, Robin
Myers, Lauren Rachel
Noble, Tiffany Shannon
Norman, Kendra Marie
O’Connor, Katherine Elizabeth
Ohmann, Nicholas Anthony
Pacheco, Marcus David Alexander
Palmer, Douglas Alexander
Palmer, Julia Ann
Parker, Jacob R.
Patterson, Sarah Grace
Payne, Emma Jane
Pickar, Casady Lynn-Marie
Pilehvar, Taymoor Mohammad
Pinkerton, Morgan Ashley
Pittman, Brock Zackary
Porter, Angela Lynne
Postic, David Michael
Powell, Timothy Scott
Pratt, Paul Dillon
Rabe, Sean Dale
Radieva, Miroslava Plamenova
Resendez, Daniel Xavier
Rice, Tanner Edward
Rodich, Whitney Morgan
Rottman, Lia Renee
Saleh, Kristina Michelle
Sardella, Eric Lee
Schreck, Charles Andrew
Schwartz, Mason
Seabolt, Jason Samuel
Settlemire, Gabrielle Erin
Sgarlata, Helen Marie
Shade, Bryan Clark
Shepherd, Billy Emerson
Shirey, Kaelyn Rae
Siegel, Kristin Marie
Sneed, Ethan MacDonald
Souther, Tyler Henry
Spurgeon, April Shanell
Stall, Joseph Evan
Stephens, Donald Patrick
Stevens, Ruth Emily
Stockwell, Madison Linn
Stump, Bryan Timothy
Tabor, Geoffrey Aaron
Taylor, Emily Morgan
Teague, Joshua Calvin
Torneten, Lisa Marie
Towle, Gaylan Ray
Trammell, Tyler Paul
Valdez, Crystal Dawn
Volino, Jordan Dimitri
Ward, James Brian
Watts, Thomas Jefferson
Webster, Jacintha Mischelle
Wedel, Jonathan Ryan
Wesberry, Leslie Chris
West, Rebeca Joy
White, Jace Tyler
Wiehl, Ryan Steven
Williams, Adam Eli
Wortham, Susan Lynn
Young, Mary Elizabeth

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This Week in GIRL ATTORNEY, LLC (August 21-27)

FIRST OF ALL – IF YOU READ THIS WEEKLY, “like” this one this week (even if you hated it, please!!!) so that I can get a measure of how many folks read these “This Week” overviews. (Just needing to gauge the interest, moving forward.) THANKS!!

NOW, the good stuff, WELCOME to the New GIRL ATTORNEY FB Group MEMBERS: So glad you are here! If you’ve not introduced yourself yet – do it now!

There’s no time that’s too late…in fact, there is NO LATE….NO APOLOGIES….just whenever you get to it is perfect.

Also, keep in mind that the info you put in your post is “Search-able” so be mindful of including the STATE or COUNTRY you practice in, the AREAS OF LAW you practice and hopefully, too, include some fun personal stuff too that helps us know you better! It also means that if someone is looking for someone who practices in your specialty, they are more likely to find you.

VERY EXCITED TO ANNOUNCE: We have one NEW Group to launch today (Delaware) and we WILL HAVE three new Regional Groups being added soon (sorry for the delay, NC and DC!!), and our newest “coming-Group” announcement is ARKANSAS!

PLEASE JOIN A STATE GROUP, IF 1. you are licensed to practice there, if 2. you are interested in the law or the folks (maybe you went to school w/ a bunch of gals there), or if 3. you have an inquiry or offer that relates to only that State – so that you can post it there and not on the Original Group. HERE are the STATE GROUPS, to date:













Also, I swear the TX Group (which has a ton of members that are not even in the Original Group), at over 1,900 members is pacing to outgrow the Original Group within the next month – we’ll see! Way to go, Girls! Incidentally, it probably comes as no surprise that TX could use an additional admin. Interested? Please raise your hand – Kelly and I would love the help! It’s not hard work – but, you know, many hands…..

If you are interested in being an additional co-admin for an existing State Group – or for the creation of a new one – PM me, please!

Do you find this Group valuable? Do you see how it is valuable to others? Feel free to share the Group(s) with others! You can invite/add anyone you want. Only invite folks you know well-enough, though. I added the first 46 folks to make the Group in the first place – only to read 2,000+ members later that it was a FB Group “no no”!!! Thankfully, I knew all those gals well enough, they are all are still members, and no one has said that it upset them. But, anyway, be mindful of those issues…and don’t stress about it too much….as the Creator/Founder of all the Groups – I actually haven’t been sent even one complaint from someone about being added.

GIRL ATTORNEY – EVENTS: #GAgettogether I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again – it takes a little something extra to be both interested and willing to take the initiative to set up a get together. You ladies are the best of the best!

THANK YOU TO OKC Hostess, Melissa French, for organizing a huge (nearly 40) Group of women to meet up this past Friday in OKC’s Bricktown area. SPECIAL THANKS to the Pink Parrot, too – opening early and treating everyone so well.

Also, THANK YOU to the many of you who continue to take the initiative either as mentor, mentee, referrer, referee (I honestly feel like I might be making up words here). Anyway, whenever you reach out to connect, you make us all stronger. [Insert your favorite inspiring story here, that makes the totally obvious point that we are stronger individuals when we have each others’ backs.]

Last, but not least, thank you for the great dialogue this week, Girls. So many great conversations on great topics – law, role as mom, role as responsible member of a broken world, role of our wardrobe, role we have keeping the men in our lives (personally and professionally) happy at all costs (I’M KIDDING!!!!). Also, so much humor. I love a Girl with a sense of humor.

Well, Girls – in short, the podcast and website ARE COMING – and, otherwise, that’s my overview of This Week in GA!

Goodnight, Girl Attorneys.

Susan Carns Curtiss

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This Week in GIRL ATTORNEY, LLC (August 14-20)

WELCOME to the New GIRL ATTORNEY FB Group MEMBERS: So glad you are here! If you’ve not introduced yourself yet – do it now! There’s no time that’s too late…in fact, there is NO LATE….just whenever you get to it is perfect. Just do it! Also, REMEMBER that the info you put in your post is “Search-able” so be mindful of including the STATE you practice in, the AREAS OF LAW you practice and hopefully, too, include some fun personal stuff too that helps us know you better! Oh, and feel free to copy and paste that intro from this Original Group – right into your State Group….if you’ve got one!




AND….as of this morning (drumroll please)…..



Y’all, ONLY two weeks ago, I “spun off” the FIRST State Group (Oklahoma) so that the State-specific inquiries wouldn’t distract from/dominate the larger discussion that could/should be had on the Original GIRL ATTORNEY FB Group page. AND THEN…….I had several unsolicited inquiries about other states from gals interested in having a GIRL ATTORNEY FB Group that would even offered to serve their state as a co-admin with me. SO, NOW WE HAVE NINE:










Also, btw, we have at least one new Regional Group being added soon: WASHINGTON D.C. is coming – again, because of awesome volunteers!

PLEASE JOIN A STATE GROUP, if 1. you are licensed to practice there, if 2. you are interested in the law or the folks (maybe you went to school w/ a bunch of gals there), or if 3. you have an inquiry or offer that relates to only that State – so that you can post it there and not on the Original Group.

If you are interested in being an additional co-admin for an existing State Group – or for the creation of a new one – PM me, please!



I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again – it takes a little something extra to be both interested and willing to take the initiative to set up a get together. You ladies are the best of the best!

HAPPY HOUR! THIS FRIDAY – Oklahoma City (Hostess: Melissa French) · August 26 @ Pink Parrot Everyone is invited!!! Over 35 have RSVP’d already….should be a lot of fun – especially since they are opening the place up early JUST FOR US!

Also, fyi Re EVENTS – if you do want to host an event through GIRL ATTORNEY, and you have a State page, please create an Event (see top of the Group page…far right is where the “Events” are/where you can create one) so that your event can be easily found/joined. The “Events” FB function allows you to add an image – so, just send me a pic you want to use for your event for the designer to put the logo onto it (OR, if you don’t want to/can’t decide on a image – feel free to just ask me for one to use).

GIRL ATTORNEY PODCAST is COMING: Just yesterday I got a PM asking me if I’d considered starting a podcast…. 😉 Why yes (as I shared just last week for the first time), I have! I have been planning for some time to produce a GIRL ATTORNEY Podcast. I will be interviewing women with law degrees (litigators, business people, stay-at-home moms, politicians, artists, etc…etc…). Of course, I will interview members of our Group(s). But, also, I hope to also have the opportunity to interview women attorneys of influence whom we’ve all heard about – but quite possibly simply have not had the opportunity to hear FROM about their work from a more personal perspective. No matter the path an interviewee has taken, each person’s path has potential to teach each of us more about ourselves and how we might impact our community as attorneys. If you have a connection to someone well-known, or if you have someone you are aware of whose story needs to be told – please PM me!

Also, last but not least on the Podcast topic: I have a short list of entities (CLIO, Fastcase, Blue Apron, etc…) that I am reaching out to about podcast sponsorships. Do you know anyone at any of these places that might be a good contact to discuss this with? Other ideas for sponsors that would likely relate well to our Group as a whole – maybe a company or organization that you are involved in? THANK YOU to the GAs who have already contacted me with offers of sponsorship! Anyone else? If so, again, PM me!

WEBSITE COMING: The website that is being developed as a companion to this Group page is coming along NICELY! THANK YOU to the many gals who have expressed an interest in getting involved in providing some original content through the girl attorney website, anyone else (now or later) – shoot me a PM on that! I’d love to facilitate as many of you contributing Original content as are interested.

Well, that’s all folks – there’s my overview of This Week in GA!

Goodnight, Girl Attorneys.

Susan Carns Curtiss, Founder and CEO GIRL ATTORNEY, LLC

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