Gender Equality in the Workplace – Are We There Yet?

From The Ascent authored by Ayshwarya:

“Have you ever been in one of the following situations?

(If you haven’t, then go ahead and skip to the end.)

(Right before your presentation) Is my outfit okay? What about my face, does it look alright? Oh dear, I hope I don’t embarrass myself!

(Giving your opinion — part 1) They’re all simply staring at me, nobody’s nodding. Is that a look of disapproval? Is it me — do I look okay? Sit straighter! Quick, tuck the tummy in!

(Giving your opinion — part 2) I’m explaining my opinion and about to make a conclusion, and that’s when a guy jumps in and manterrupts —

Guys, I’d like to point out that … ends up giving the opinion that I had. Only difference, people go — oh yes! that’s a great insight!”

Read the full story by FOLLOWING THIS LINK.

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