Five Books Every Young Businesswoman Should Read

From Forbes authored by:


“I know, I know. You’re an entrepreneur. You don’t have any free time. I know. Trust me. I can relate. But I promise you, you want to make time to read. In every way, reading helps me be a better teammate, a better businesswoman and a better person.

So I put together a list of the five books that have been most essential to me as an entrepreneur. Most are quick reads, all are unique and fun, and all have incredible lessons to share.

A quick disclaimer for all who are going to say that I’ve put together a strange entrepreneur reading list:

In entrepreneurship, like in any school of thought, there’s a canon of respected literature. It’s all the classics. It’s Simone De Beauvoir for feminism. Adam Smith for economics. It’s a young female writer’s Didion (guilty).

In entrepreneurship, the canon is made up of books like The Lean Startup and How To Make Friends and Influence People. The businesswoman canon is Lean In. And while I do think that those are important reads, this list is not canon.

This list is made up of five books have been essential to me both as a young woman and as a business-owner. Sometimes the books that I’ve found useful or enlightening as an entrepreneur have been business-focused, other times they’ve been memoirs of successful women. I find great value in reading voices from all backgrounds and pulling the relevant lessons from their lives and applying them to mine.”

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