Get Comfortable With Being Uncomfortable

From Above the Law authored by Olga V. Mack and  Katia Bloom:

“In our previous article on the five stages of transformation: frustration, trial and error, the “Aha!” moment, discovery and synchronization, we went over the process we all go through in order to transform and grow.

Struggling Through Frustration & Trial & Error

While we all love the part where things start to click and you feel like the painful growth period is behind you, the reality is that you’ll often-times feel like you’re just “stuck” while you’re in the first two stages: frustration and trial and error. Though an incredibly valuable emotion, the initial stage of transformation occurs when we encounter conflicting feelings about the challenge in front of us. Subsequently, as we work through the conflicting emotions that naturally occur as we become frustrated, we progress on to the next stage where we try to embrace uncharted territory. During trial and error, we frequently don’t feel fully rooted and like we have our feed under us in this new landscape.”

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