How a team of women remade the empowered Bo Peep in ‘Toy Story 4’ Add to list

From The Washington Post authored by Michael Cavna:

“For two decades, Bo Peep appeared to lose not only her sheep but also the number of her Hollywood rep. Last seen in a feature film in 1999’s “Toy Story 2,” the porcelain-skinned shepherd disappeared until this weekend, as the new “Toy Story 4” gives her something even better than an agent — her own feeling of agency.

No character emerges from Pixar’s “Toy Story 4” exuding a stronger sense of self than Bo (voiced by the returning Annie Potts), who has left behind the world of toy servitude to children, now fearlessly careening her way through a fairground of bright, whirring wonders — a colorful setting that could neatly symbolize Pixar’s Emeryville, Calif., headquarters.

Bo’s empowered “Toy Story 4” presence itself rises like a symbol, reflecting the contributions of leading women every creative step of the way.”

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