How to Be a Feminist Father

From She Knows authored by Sam Milam:

“The first time you look into the eyes of that tiny human being — your child — your life changes forever. You are a parent. You are responsible for more than yourself. And you welcome and embrace the changes. (Some of them, anyway.)

Your experience varies depending on whether your child is a girl or a boy. Our first was a boy, so we heard the typical “lady killer” comments. Our second was a girl; cue the “heart breaker” and “get your shotgun ready” jokes. Gender bias and sexism from day dot.

Being a feminist father might come naturally to you, but for many men it is a learned experience. It’s learned because men don’t experience what women experience. Judgment is placed on a child the moment it’s announced, “it’s a girl!” (and in different ways, “it’s a boy!”) If those “jokes” feel a bit icky to you, you might just be a feminist father.”

Read the full story by FOLLOWING THIS LINK.

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