Millennial Moms: Make Home Work Like Work

From Medium authored by Neal Godfrey:

“The big news in the workplace over the past couple of decades has been the emergence of women as a significant force. We had the opportunity to show what we can do, and we’ve done it. We’ve made the workplace a different place, a better place. We are educated, motivated, and street-smart. Women are taking the world by storm. Seventy-one percent of women with kids work outside of the home. We have been incredibly successful at work; however, we have not necessarily translated that success to managing our households.

Process vs. Project

Here’s another significant change that has occurred in the workplace over the past couple of decades: modern management strategy has moved from a process-oriented workplace to a project-oriented workplace.

Work used to be built around a process. Big manufacturing companies make the same thing — cars, steel girders, stuffed panda bears — and people, in one way or another, were plugged into that process. They did the same job day after day. At home, the “process” meant you lived in the same house, in the same neighborhood, and with the same neighbors. It meant you didn’t get divorced. Well, those days are gone forever. My own work life has bounced me around like a pinball, and I’m now the norm.

The rest of our lives follow the same checkered pattern as our careers. We move around, we work remotely, we get divorced, we partner, we often re-partner, and we create stepfamilies; all of these situations come with unique challenges of their own.”

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