Men Join Corporate Boards With Less Experience Than Women

From authored b:


“More than three out of four new male company directors are rookies, appointed without any prior corporate board experience, according to a new study of the world’s biggest publicly traded companies.

First-time female board members are less common. When a woman fills a board seat, there’s a 32 percent chance she’s already served as a director at another company, the study found. When a man does, there’s a 23 percent chance he’s already held a seat. The gap suggests that women disproportionately face the old Catch-22: To get chosen to be on a board, they already have to be on a board.

The problem, says John Roe, managing director of ISS Analytics, which conducted the study of 105,000 directorships, is that most board members get hired on the recommendation of existing directors, who are mostly male and whose networks tend to consist of people who look like themselves. A PwC study last year found that 87 percent of boards relied on member recommendations, contributing to what it called the “same old, same old” effect.”

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Networking and Career Development for the Next Women Leaders

From Playbook authored b:


“What do you want to be when you grow up? It’s a question that women leaders have been answering since they were old enough to play at being doctors, firefighters, astronauts, and more. But as we all grew through childhood, and took on our first real jobs, we learned that working life was not quite as we expected it to be.

For women in leadership roles, managing and growing in your career is an ongoing process of professional development, networking, and active engagement with the ever-evolving landscape of work. As technology and innovation transform the workplace, it’s more important than ever for women who aspire to take on leadership roles to be proactive about career development.”

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Women and Negotiation: You Can Ask for More, and You Should

From Law Practice Today authored b:


“In 2012, LinkedIn surveyed more than 2,000 professionals from eight countries on the topic of negotiation. The survey revealed that Americans were more likely to be anxious about negotiating than professionals from other countries. And among the Americans responding, far fewer women reported feeling confident about negotiation than men.

Early research about how gender affects negotiations was often inconclusive or contradictory. But in recent years, at least two general conclusions have emerged. On the one hand, women negotiating on behalf of others do as well and sometimes better than men. On the other, women do not do nearly as well as men when negotiating for themselves.

What follows are patterns of behavior among large numbers of women and men. Individual men and women may not exhibit the general tendencies of the larger populations studied. Indeed, some men and women who attend negotiation workshops do express comfort and success with negotiation, but they typically can identify a parent, supervisor, colleague or other significant adult who already has taught them some effective negotiation techniques.

Why should we care about women’s unique challenges when negotiating on behalf of themselves? Because a part of what may appear to be institutional or individual bias may be explained by women’s own approach to negotiation. This is not to say that bias does not exist. But if women understand what they can change and control, they are more likely to experience confidence and success in their own negotiations.”

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After 45 years, Title IX still needed

From authored b:


“For decades in America, women who attained a college degree could find work only as a teacher or nurse. A law degree and a career in the legal profession were considered unattainable.

But then, 45 years ago last month, Congress passed the Education Amendments Act. The most notable part of the law, referred to as Title IX, states, “No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving federal financial assistance.”

Title IX became not simply a law that protects women’s rights. It became a tool that transformed society’s perceptions about gender.”

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9 Epic Responses To Legal Threats

From The authored b:

“Lawyers don’t often get an opportunity to really cut loose and say exactly what it is they (or their clients) are thinking. We couch everything in very neutral terms and our threats are often veiled. But apparently there are vanishingly rare occasions where the absurdity of the threatened legal action matches up nicely with the devil-may-care attitude of a client, and then you get the stuff of internet magic: the epic smackdown letter.

We all long to write one, but few of us ever will. Here are some of the best we’ve found. Some of these were ostensibly written by the clients themselves, but we are just going to pretend that some lawyer somewhere got to give the go-ahead to those as well.”

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Five Books Every Young Businesswoman Should Read

From Forbes authored by:


“I know, I know. You’re an entrepreneur. You don’t have any free time. I know. Trust me. I can relate. But I promise you, you want to make time to read. In every way, reading helps me be a better teammate, a better businesswoman and a better person.

So I put together a list of the five books that have been most essential to me as an entrepreneur. Most are quick reads, all are unique and fun, and all have incredible lessons to share.

A quick disclaimer for all who are going to say that I’ve put together a strange entrepreneur reading list:

In entrepreneurship, like in any school of thought, there’s a canon of respected literature. It’s all the classics. It’s Simone De Beauvoir for feminism. Adam Smith for economics. It’s a young female writer’s Didion (guilty).

In entrepreneurship, the canon is made up of books like The Lean Startup and How To Make Friends and Influence People. The businesswoman canon is Lean In. And while I do think that those are important reads, this list is not canon.

This list is made up of five books have been essential to me both as a young woman and as a business-owner. Sometimes the books that I’ve found useful or enlightening as an entrepreneur have been business-focused, other times they’ve been memoirs of successful women. I find great value in reading voices from all backgrounds and pulling the relevant lessons from their lives and applying them to mine.”

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From Above the Law authored by:

“We’ve branched out quite a bit on this column, but it’s our continuing mission to shed light on stories of ex-large-law-firm attorneys and what they are doing that’s different and interesting. XPAN Law Group is one example of a law firm that provides functional business advice and risk management with legal counsel to meet the real needs of small and mid-sized companies. I see several firms like this popping up, and it’s always inspiring to hear about attorneys who leave behind the security of salary for the exciting adventure of entrepreneurship.

My interview with Rebecca Rakoski and Jordan Fischer, founders of XPAN, encapsulates so much about the courageous lawyers across the country stepping out to try and change things through their own vision of practice. I hope you enjoy the interview.”


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Standard Bank grows its support for entrepreneurial women

From BIZCommunity issued b Topco Media:

” A new three-year partnership has been inked between Africa’s biggest bank and South Africa’s platform for women in leadership, Top Women. The move will see Standard Bank and Top Media – the company owning Top Women – co-hosting the 14th national Standard Bank Top Women Awards in August, rolling out a series of exciting conferences and co-sharing the cover of the businesswomen’s coffee table must-have, Standard Bank Top Women Leaders; circulated every year to 10,000 subscribers and retailing nationally.”

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Five takeaways from Condoleezza Rice at the KPMG Women’s Leadership Summit

From ESPN W. authored by:

“OLYMPIA FIELDS, Ill. — A few hundred men and women gathered at the Olympia Fields Country Club on Wednesday morning to hear former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice speak at the KPMG Women’s Leadership Summit ahead of this week’s golf major, the KPMG Women’s PGA Championship.

In an interview with sportscaster Michele Tafoya, Rice talked about her path from Birmingham, Alabama, to the White House, and the wisdom she gained at each stop along the way. Here are five takeaways from Rice’s keynote address.”

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Advertisers Are Actually Teaming Up To Fight Sexism. For Real.

From The Huffington Post authored by:


“The Unstereotype Alliance, which will be launched at Cannes Lions, an industry conference in France, is a partnership between U.N. Women and several major global companies, including Unilever, Johnson & Johnson, Procter & Gamble, Mattel and Diageo. Facebook, Google and Twitter have also signed on, as well as major ad agencies WPP and IPG.

“Every day, hundreds of millions of people around the world are exposed to the communications our industry creates,” said Martin Sorrell, chief executive of WPP. “That influence can either be used to reinforce negative stereotypes or to set new standards of empowerment and equality.”

The new initiative is the brainchild of Unilever, which committed itself to ridding its own advertising of sexist stereotypes last year, most notably by revamping marketing of Axe body spray.”

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