6 Habits That Will Help You Become a Better Leader, According to Someone Who Coaches CEOs

From TIME authored by Helen Rothberg: “Over the past 25 years, I’ve coached a mix of executives in for profit and not-for-profit companies like Kellogg’s, Monsanto, SoCalGas, Newark City Government, The United Way, IBM, and AT&T. I’ve been in board rooms with people fretting about decreases in market share, swirling about regulatory agencies, and agonizing about visions for a […]

Melinda Gates: The World is Finally Listening. Me too. Me too. Me too.

From Time authored by Melinda Gates: “In 1976, one year after the term “sexual harassment” was coined, the magazine Redbook reported that 90 percent of women surveyed said they’d been sexually harassed at work. Last year, the Elephant in the Valley study revealed that 60 percent of women in tech had been subject to unwanted sexual advances. It’s disheartening to think […]

Unhappy Hour: Law Firms’ Drinking Culture Amplifies Sexual Harassment Problems

From The American Lawyer authored by Patrick R. Krill: Dear Patrick: “Considering the increased spotlight on sexual misconduct in the workplace these days, I’m curious what you think about the relationship between lawyers, drinking, and bad behavior? What should an employer be looking out for? Sue in New Jersey Dear Sue: When the Harvey Weinstein […]

Millennial Moms: Make Home Work Like Work

From Medium authored by Neal Godfrey: “The big news in the workplace over the past couple of decades has been the emergence of women as a significant force. We had the opportunity to show what we can do, and we’ve done it. We’ve made the workplace a different place, a better place. We are educated, […]

Women’s Whisper Network Raises Its Voice

From The New York Times authored by Julie Creswell and Tiffany Hsu: “They called themselves the Glass Ceiling Club. A group of young and ambitious women in the 1990s from the investment bank Bear Stearns would gather at local restaurants every couple of months to discuss how to make the workplace more female friendly. The conversations […]

The Tech Industry’s Gender-Discrimination Problem

From The New Yorker authored by Sheelah Kolhatkar: “One day in 2013, AJ Vandermeyden drove to Tesla’s corporate headquarters, in Palo Alto, California, sat down on a bench outside the main entrance, and waited, in the hope of spotting someone who looked like a company employee. Vandermeyden, who was thirty years old, had been working as […]

Women Lawyers are Being Driven to Drink

From Tonic authored by Britni De La Cretaz: “The morning before Lisa F. Smith, the author of Girl Walks Out of A Bar: A Memoir, checked herself into rehab, she says her breakfast consisted of a bottle of red wine and several lines of cocaine. It was her morning routine, and she needed the alcohol and […]

Exclusive: First Look At New Survey Of Solo And Small Firms

From Above the Law authored by Robert Ambrogi: “Acquiring and keeping clients is the most significant challenge facing solo and small law firms, and increasing numbers of those firms see do-it-yourself legal websites as their competitors for those clients. Despite acknowledging this challenge, however, nearly three quarters of firms are doing nothing to address it. […]

What Lawyers Can Learn from Apple When Setting Billing Rates

From Attorney at Work authored by Roy S. Ginsburg: “Last month, Apple unveiled its new iPhone X to much fanfare. Perhaps what created the most fanfare was its price. It starts at $999 — hundreds more than the older iPhone 7 and the brand-new iPhone 8. You don’t need a Ph.D. in Economics to understand […]

Can Lawyers and Judges Be Social Media Friends?

From Attorney At Work authored by Mark C. Palmer: “QUESTION: I’ve been practicing in my medium-size legal community for going on 20 years. During that time, I’ve watched technology advance my private practice by leaps and bounds, including client development via social media outlets. I embraced Facebook, Twitter and Instagram early on — and it’s paid off […]

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