Why Being Your Authentic Self May Be A Lie For Most Women At Work

From Take the Lead authored by Michele Weldon:

“’As companies focus on their culture, it’s important to understand that not all women are having the same experience at work. Women of color, lesbian and bisexual women, and women with disabilities are having distinct—and by and large worse—experiences than women overall. Black women in the workplace and women with disabilities face more barriers to advancement and often receive less support than other groups of women and men. These findings reinforce how important it is for companies to understand the challenges different groups of women face and address them head-on,’ Black Enterprise reports.”

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Barbara Hillary, 88, Trailblazer on Top (and Bottom) of the World, Dies

From The New York Times authored by Katharine Q. Seelye:

“Ms. Hillary had retired from a 55-year career as a nurse when, seeking adventure, she went dog-sledding in Quebec and photographed polar bears in Manitoba. She then learned that no African-American woman had ever made it to the North Pole and challenged herself to become the first…”

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Retail Conference Shoptalk to Have Only Women Speakers in 2020

From Fortune authored by Phil Whba:

“Even if the women-only approach turns out to ruffle feathers, she said she doesn’t think it will hurt the 2020 conference’s attendance. ‘Some people won’t be happy with the move but we think that overall it’s an important thing for us to do and it’s absolutely essential for the industry,’ she says.”

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Rachel Balkovec joins Yankees as first female full-time hitting coach hired by an MLB organization

From CBS Sports authored by Dayn Perry:

“The Yankees have hired Rachel Balkovec as a minor-league hitting coach. Balkovec is believed to be the first female full-time hitting coach hired by a major league organization, as Lindsay Berra notes in the New York Times. ‘…Club officials said they had hired Balkovec based on qualifications — including two master’s degrees in the science of human movement and experience at several minor league clubs — that were a natural fit with the coaching crew being assembled for next season.’ ‘It’s an easy answer to why we chose Rachel for this role,’ Yankees hitting coordinator Dillon Lawson told Berra. ‘She’s a good hitting coach, and a good coach, period.’”

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This Cruise Line Is Making History With The First Women-Led Cruise

From Forbes authored by Laura Begley Bloom:

“‘When I was appointed to this role five years ago, I felt like I had an opportunity and an obligation and a responsibility to do something about balancing the gender in our industry,’ says Lutoff-Perlo. ‘I thought, ‘This is my chance to really make a difference.’”

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When Companies Support Pumping Breastmilk at Work, Everyone Benefits

From Harvard Business Review authored by Allison S. Gabriel, Sabrina D. Volpone, Rebecca L. MacGowan, Marcus M. Butts & Christina M. Moran:

“Since 2010, a U.S. law has required employers to provide women with the time and space to pump. And yet, stories abound of workplaces that make it difficult or impossible for women to do so. Women find themselves relegated to cars, supply closets, and bathrooms.”

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Companies Tie Pay, Performance Ratings to Gender Recruiting Targets

From The Wall Street Journal authored by Nina Trentmann:

“‘Diversity is necessary to drive above-market performance,’ said Charlotte Simonelli, finance chief at Realogy Holdings Corp. , a residential real estate-services firm. ‘And companies that do not focus on both diversity and inclusion undercut themselves by dismissing a broader set of experiences and viewpoints that can help them get to even better answers, faster.’”

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Goodbye Honey-Do List, Hello Shared-Labor App

From The Wall Street Journal authored by Julie Jargon:

“In every relationship, there’s a question of who is pulling their weight around the house. Now that a majority of married-couple families have two working parents, the old ‘rough day at the office’ excuse doesn’t really cut it. Women still handle more of the household activities, spending 2.6 hours on daily home-related tasks versus the 2 hours men spend on them, but men increasingly are spending time on food preparation and cleanup, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.”

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She climbed Everest nine times and set a world record – so why doesn’t she have sponsors?

From The Guardian authored by Megan Mayhew Bergman:

“In an era where many organizations profess a desire to diversify outdoors culture, it is difficult to process that such an accomplished athlete – with an authentic connection to the place she climbs – remains unsupported. I presume the root cause is that Lhakpa is not traditionally marketable, and brands want maximum visibility. She doesn’t have a curated Instagram presence. She’s a middle-aged woman of color, an immigrant single mother who speaks in broken English.”

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This Chef Helps At-Risk Women Feel at Home for the Holidays

From Food and Wine authored by Jessica Wakeman:

“Her sessions are a lighter moment at Hopper Home, which provides transitional housing for women at all stages of involvement in the justice system. Some found WPA because they’re seeking alternatives to incarceration; others come after spending time in prison or jail. Women who live at Hopper Home participate in a program to seek permanent housing and employment, as well as mental health services, sobriety, and reunification with their children.”

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