Self-Care for Women of Color At Work

From Ms. JD authored by Alnisa Bell:

“’Caring for myself is not self-indulgence, it is self-preservation, and that is an act of political warfare.’  — Audre Lorde

The unfortunate reality for many women working outside of the home is that dynamics within the home still require that many women shoulder the burden of household chores and caregiving responsibilities, including, caring for children and elderly relatives and contributing/managing household finances. Most women are essentially working at least two jobs — one that is paid and another one unpaid within the home (and the latter usually doesn’t come with pay increases, bonuses, days off or promotions; hopefully it does come with some gratitude!). Between navigating law firm culture, networking, and professional development, all while tackling an increasing workload, it’s easy to see how lawyers, particularly women, can tire pretty quickly. Both jobs require an inordinate amount of time and leave very few hours for women to take care of themselves.

As Audre Lorde notes in her oft-cited quote above, self-care is a particularly radical concept for black women. Historically, black women have been taught to put the well-being of others before themselves, whereas a focus on self-care requires women to place their own needs above the needs of others. What many women fail to realize is that not making space for self-care not only affects peace of mind, but can have drastic health consequences, as well.”

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The Best Celebrity Commencement Speeches of 2017 So Far

From She Knows authored by Madeline Somerville:

“Being asked to give a commencement speech is a pretty big deal. It means that thousands of new grads will be eagerly hanging onto your every word, and when you’re a celeb, you know the speech will end up online within a matter of minutes.

These six commencement speeches did not disappoint, and even if you don’t have a cap to throw, we think you’re still going to feel like cheering.”

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How to experience powerful education free of charge

From Thrive Global authored by Paul Ellsworth:

“This week I will probably have hand cramps. When you work in high school, there are students who you have been pouring your life into for years. I’m going to write notes to many of those students who graduated this past weekend.

As I was thinking about the advice that I want to give, I realized that I don’t have much advice for college itself. My college experience was different than most people’s.

I took a gap year after high school to do missionary work. Then I went to a traditional college for one year. After trying traditional school and hating it, I moved to Mexico. Then I did two more years at two different universities in Mexico. Finally, while working two jobs and being a brand new dad, I finished up my schooling online.

I have found that years later I have the diploma but don’t remember much of what I learned in college. I guess I was rushing through it so frantically, that it all seems like a blur.

Although, I don’t have much advice for college itself, there are 7 things that have served me better than any college education ever could. Without these, I would simply have a diploma, but not a real education.”

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What All Managers Can Learn from Steve Harvey’s Latest Fiasco

From Thrive Global:

“Few thought that TV personality Steve Harvey could incur more ire than he did after he mistakenly announced the wrong winner at the Miss Universe pageant. However, we were wrong.

Now, the comedian turned talk show host is under fire for an internal email he sent employees which was later leaked revealing his not-so-funny side. The memo outlined how he prefers for staffers to communicate with him, and, specifically, how he refuses to allow employees to speak to him.”

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Gal Gadot Did Some Amazing Things Before She Was Wonder Woman

From She Knows authored by Karen Veazey:

She’s a real-life warrior

Gadot speaks with much more pride about her time representing Israel in uniform as a member of the Army. Shortly after high school, she reported for her two-year stint, a requirement for all Israeli citizens. She performed well enough to become a weapons trainer and eventually instructed higher-ranking personnel.

Fellow Israeli model Bar Refaeli made the news in 2007 when she was alleged to have dodged her military service. But Gadot said she was glad for the experience. She told Glamour, ‘Let me start by saying, I wish no country had the need for an army. But in Israel serving is part of being an Israeli. You’ve got to give back to the state. You give two or three years, and it’s not about you. You give your freedom away. You learn discipline and respect. [After the army] I started studying law at university…’”

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“I’m Just a Mom”

From Psych Central authored by Libby Simon:

“’I’m just a mom,’ the young woman replied, with bowed head and downcast eyes. This troubling response arose during a discussion among a group of women about managing their hectic schedules between career and child care.

When asked a common question like, ‘What do you do’?, the glaring meaning of the word, ‘just’, along with its gestures, speaks volumes in how hard-working mothers see themselves and their value relative to employed moms. And what they see and feel mirrors society’s attitudes towards them. What they do is not important because caring for children does not contribute to the economy. This thought couldn’t be further from the truth but perception becomes truth – the one that matters.”

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How to Become the Best in the World at What You Do

From Thrive Global authored by Benjamin P. Hardy:

“It can feel impossible to move toward your dreams. You know exactly what you want to do, but there are endless obstacles in your way.

There is so much competition — thousands or millions of people competing to do exactly what you want to do.

How do you get out of the rat race?

How do you advance quick enough to not have your dreams smashed into submission by society and imploded by “reality”?

How do you make the needed leaps to move beyond the masses vying for a similar position?

After all, you have bills to pay and tons of other responsibilities. You only have a limited amount of time each day. After work and everything else you’ve got going on, it’s easy to justify waiting until tomorrow. Even if you have the raw energy to do your work, you may feel guilty breaking from your relational obligations.

It truly can feel hopeless and overwhelming. There’s so much to learn. It can be easy to doubt our own abilities. Maybe we should just give up and accept reality for what it is?”

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How to Be a Feminist Father

From She Knows authored by Sam Milam:

“The first time you look into the eyes of that tiny human being — your child — your life changes forever. You are a parent. You are responsible for more than yourself. And you welcome and embrace the changes. (Some of them, anyway.)

Your experience varies depending on whether your child is a girl or a boy. Our first was a boy, so we heard the typical “lady killer” comments. Our second was a girl; cue the “heart breaker” and “get your shotgun ready” jokes. Gender bias and sexism from day dot.

Being a feminist father might come naturally to you, but for many men it is a learned experience. It’s learned because men don’t experience what women experience. Judgment is placed on a child the moment it’s announced, “it’s a girl!” (and in different ways, “it’s a boy!”) If those “jokes” feel a bit icky to you, you might just be a feminist father.”

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Women Just Made History At The UK Election

From The Telegraph authored by Barney Henderson:

“More than 200 women were elected to Parliament on Thursday, meaning there will be a historic high number of female MPs in the House of Commons.

The number of female MPs elected eclipsed the previous high of 191 women from the 2015 election early on Thursday morning.

It also surpassed the 196 female MPs elected during the course of the last parliament, which included subsequent by-elections.”

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The Benefits of Talking to Yourself

From The New York Times authored by Kristin Wong:

“A stranger approached me at a grocery store. “Do you need help finding something?” he asked. At first, I wasn’t sure what he meant. Then the realization kicked in: I was talking out loud, to myself, in public. It was a habit I’d grown so comfortable with that I didn’t even realize I was doing it.

The fairly common habit of talking aloud to yourself is what psychologists call external self-talk. And although self-talk is sometimes looked at as just an eccentric quirk, research has found that it can influence behavior and cognition.

“Language provides us with this tool to gain distance from our own experiences when we’re reflecting on our lives. And that’s really why it’s useful,” said Ethan Kross, a professor of psychology at the University of Michigan.”

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