Road Blocks: Mail Chimp and Personal Limits

“Dang it!” – ME

Today. Yesterday. Last week. Etc…

There’s a lot of that going on these days.

While I do have a firm grasp on my lack of perfection, it doesn’t stop me from boldly [and at times, blindly] seeking to do stuff perfectly EVERY time – THE FIRST TIME.  Naturally, any and all things associated with GIRL ATTORNEY, LLC are no different from the rest of my life, accordingly.

Still, I have been confronted with the stark contrast between my earnest intentions and reality much more often than usual – even for me – lately.  The latest such “Dang it!” moment is represented in the image, above.  “Default text content” Right. I don’t even know what that means.  Also, “Resolve” is a lie perpetrated by the good people of Mail Chimp who have failed to make this issue noticeable-enough to the developers I hired to address this issue before they told me the Template for my email Newsletter was ready-to-go, AND/OR have failed to make this issue easily-resolveable enough for me to handle on my own.  As stated above, I know I’m not perfect – but if I can’t actually follow the “Resolve” button to a corner of Mail Chimp’s place on the internet, read the instructions in my native language, and actually resolve the issue….well, “Resolve” is a misnomer at best, and Mail Chimp’s a liar at worst.

But enough about the latest reminder of my humanity (and my interest in blaming it on Mail Chimp).  We’ll get these Newsletter issues worked out next week, and shoot for next Saturday, instead.

The fact is, whether it is the unfamiliar territory of handling a mass mail Newsletter Template – resulting in a delayed performance, speaking to a jury for the first time, arguing your first Motion to a Judge, or arguing your 1,000th Motion – but on an area of law that is wholly brand new to you, etc….it’s all the same, really.

Each is an opportunity to do what your mama told you: YOUR BEST.

Never forget, GIRLS: you are good enough, smart enough, got-what-it-takes enough, standing-up-straight enough, ATTORNEY enough, and GIRL enough to do what you have to do.  YOU are the one for the job you’ve been given. Beyond your knowledge base and your experience, give what you’ve got – give YOU. Under every circumstance, do YOUR BEST, and under no circumstance do you beat yourself up when you’re not perfect.

Actually, about ten years ago I was given the opportunity to give a TEDx talk on the topic of “Resiliency” (which, embarrassingly, I still cannot spell correctly without looking it up first). I presented on this topic from the perspective of how learning to be accepting of my imperfections, enabled me to achieve beyond and in spite of them.  The title of my Talk (and you may click on the title to view the Talk) was, The Imperfect Path to Peace.  Apparently, for better or worse, this is a central theme of my life.

Yes, of course I wish the first Newsletter could have gone out today – as planned. However, perhaps this message…seeing value in acknowledging the lack of perfection both honestly, and with hope about and for the “next steps,” in spite of your imperfection…is of more value to one, or some, than a re-hash of last week’s posts and a yet another “Welcome to Girl Attorney” would have been.

Yeah, pretty sure (at a minimum) no actual harm was done to ANYONE (merely my ego) in the delaying of this Newsletter – and I’ve decided to choose to hope that some better good was done from spreading this message, instead:


Love you all,

Susan Carns Curtiss, Founder and CEO GIRL ATTORNEY, LLC, Owner Carns Curtiss Law, PLLC, TEDx Speaker


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The First Museum Dedicated To American Women’s History Is Coming To New York City

Gals who know me personally, know I have been (since seeing the movie Hidden Figures), talking A LOT about my suspicions that my complete fascination and – well – obsession with Harriet Tubman is quite possibly NOT just because she was a badass…but, at least in part, because she was also QUITE POSSIBLY the only woman I learned about – year in, and year out, while in school – growing up.

Seriously.  I mean, I’ll admit I also recall being very impressed too with Martha Washington; hiding the flag under her dress was definitely legit.  But, really, that’s it.  

Can you even IMAGINE how strange it would be for our male counterparts if they had grown up hearing only about the women of influence – save a couple of guys… Let’s say, George Washington and – hmm…..Alexander Hamilton.  That’s it. Everyone else were women of influence.  

If you’re tempted to think that there just really weren’t women in significant roles – think again. Hidden Figures is a GREAT example.  There’s just no GOOD reason at all that we weren’t taught about those women – right alongside the lessons about the NASA launches where we learned about John Glenn.

Okay – well, anyway, one of the things I love about this Community – and my role in it – is that I get the opportunity to spend my so-called “spare” time – catching up on those lessons I wasn’t taught as a kiddo.  Also, sharing that information with you all makes me so happy – especially since I like to imagine that some of these tidbits are passed along to your friends, significant others, and…..the kiddos in your lives (your own, your extended family – or, you know, those kids who are waiting in the grocery line ahead of, or behind, you).  

Hey, there’s no law against educating random children about AMAZING WOMEN IN HISTORY.  Trust me, I’m a lawyer.  

Well, for those of you who are in NYC, and for those of you who are going for business or pleasure – I thought you would want to know about this exciting new resource for learning about women in U.S. History

Love to you all, SCC

From Bustle, authored by  :

“You may be thinking, “What? There are currently no women’s history museums in the U.S.?” And the unfortunate answer to that incredible question is yes. As the New York Times recently reported, the Center for Women’s History will be the nation’s first museum to permanently highlight historical figures who are women and U.S. women’s history.”

More on the purpose and the opening of this exciting new museum by CLICKING THIS LINK.

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I Did Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s Workout. It Nearly Broke Me.

Oh Ruth, Oh Ruth, how many ways do we love thee?  

A warrior in not just ONE area of your life, but freakin’ ALL, EVERY day, in EVERY way.    

This article tells the story of the author, “young and reasonably fit,” determined to do RBG’s actual workout routine.  

The gentleman who trains RBG (and Stephen Breyer and Elena Kagan), Bryant Johnson (whom is FOR HIRE, GAs in D.C.), let the author into the gym – and RBG’s two-times-weekly routine.  

I think I will, I think I will, (well I won’t do it today – I read the article – I know I am not physically capable of doing all that TODAY), but…I think I will try it today, and every few days – until RBG and I are virtual exercise buddies (BFFs).  Maybe you will find inspiration too!

“Since Trump’s election, Ginsburg’s continued survival has become a matter of severe anxiety for liberals, many of whom pressured her in vain to resign during the Obama years to ensure that a Democrat appointed her successor. On Thursday night, during an appearance at George Washington University, she vowed, “I will do this job as long as I can do it full steam.” Worried about just how long that will be, people have been offering to send her kale or donate blood or clad her in protective padding, and it’s not entirely clear they are joking.

To address their concerns, I set out to investigate the world’s most important workout, an endeavor that the chambers of Ginsburg, Breyer and Kagan all promptly declined to have anything to do with.1

This was a setback. But there was a loophole. Though the justices wouldn’t touch this, Johnson was free to cooperate. Was there some way to simulate the RBG workout without Ginsburg herself?

I determined to undergo the workout myself, and to write about it. To meet a sufficient evidentiary standard to prove this actually happened, we would also have to film it.

I’m no athlete, but I’m young and reasonably fit. I thought the workout would be pattycake, but it was much harder than I expected. Ginsburg’s personal trainer, it turns out, is no joke.”


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Long Live Ruth Bader Ginsburg

LONG LIVE RBG! 🎉  Celebrate her birthday with me, today. 🎂

Also, friends, though the DIRECTORY is limited to just women attorneys, the rest of the site is open to anyone who registers. You’ll get an email once a week that highlights the work of women attorneys past and present. Of course, you may always opt out, later, too! But, I promise to work hard to create & curate good content.

#RBG #RuthBaderGinsburg #HappyBirthday #GAsForJustice #GAdirectory #GIRLATTORNEY


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GA Artist Feature: Carolina Rubio, Esq.


From her performance piece: Detention Center



From her performance piece: Detention Center


Here is where they belong

“We must secure our borders,” so goes the refrain. But are we, as a nation, insecure? Are we afraid? Of children coming to us in need in the night Children afraid of the monsters they must fight.

“We must secure our borders;” care not of the crying child
With each chain, wire, drone and wall, we proclaim:
Let their journeys be longer; let them cross where waters are deep Where the tides are less forgiving, where the snakes watch while they sleep

We proclaim, let the children journey where the sun never relents Until they shiver, cry and finally dream.
And after their bottles are empty, let them break when they awake Next to the skeletons of their mates.

Let them give themselves to the coyote and the cartel
For who else can navigate the path through hell?!
Let them know the recurring torture of rape by the coyote’s paws With the knowledge there will be no justice under our laws.

Upon arriving at our door, may they be greeted by a uniform, bright orange, one size fits all.
And placed in four cold concrete walls
that will be their home for
2, 8, 10, 25 months, or more. Months, days hours, waiting, waiting, waiting …

For that amnesty, like back in 1986, the TPS, 245(i), the LIFE ACT of 2000, NACARA, HRIFA
but today these are like water in the desert. A false hope.

“We must secure our borders”; You know what?, I’m sick of our murderous laws
These are children, they are our children
And here, safe and free, is where they belong.

(Artist’s daughter, Micaela, 5, speaking) “Here is where they belong”

Text for performance, 2016


Carolina Rubio MacWright was born in Bogota, Colombia, where she lived until age 20, when a need for a safer place to call home was necessary. She graduated Magna Cum Laude from Florida International University with a Bachelor of Fine Art. After graduation, she felt the need to understand the legal system, at which point she moved to Oklahoma City where she received her Juris Doctorate Degree. She interned at the Public Defenders Office, which opened her eyes to the realities of the broken American legal system as well as the immigration law system. She has consistently worked as an immigration attorney in Oklahoma, Florida and New York. She realized her artwork was a more effective medium in educating the public on issues like mass incarceration, detention centers, immigrant children’s rights, women’s rights. She is a full time artist and activist that can’t break away from law. She recently worked on a know your rights video (english and spanish), with the grassroots organization “Momsrising” “mamasconpoder”, she was part of a podcast about “risers” on “Breaking through with Kristin-Rowe-Finkbeiner.  She is also endlessly involved in her community and bringing it together to show up for those that might be invisible. She lives and works in New York.

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follow me on insta and twitter:

#artistmomlawyer #risers #gowanusartist

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Janet Reno – First Woman U.S. Attorney General

Janet Wood Reno – Sworn in today, March 11, 1993, as the first woman to serve as United States Attorney General.  A Clinton nominee, she served as the seventy-eighth, and the second-longest serving in United States history. “As a pioneering woman in law enforcement and politics, Reno’s place as a feminist icon is secured. That she endured, with great dignity, the demeaning and sexist depictions of her—and, in a totally classy move, appeared in Ferrell’s dance party on her last day as attorney general—provides ongoing inspiration for how to be a public woman in, still, a man’s world.” Follow this link to read the entire Politico story. Or, the Wikipedia article here.  LOVE YOU, THANK YOU, MS. RENO.

#FirstWoman #FirstGirlAttorney #GIRLATTORNEY #GAsInPolitics #JanetReno #USAG #GAsInHistory #GAsBreakingGlassCeilings

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International Women’s Day

Oh, still so much work to do, ABSOLUTELY!  But – here you go, GIRLS, we certainly have been making progress.  Many thanks to Ms. Barbara Moss, JD, for sharing this CLASSIC photograph about a time in the practice of law (not that long ago, btw) when things were still so strikingly different. As Barbara appropriately quipped, when she posted, in the GIRL ATTORNEY – TN Facebook Group, “A picture is worth a thousand words.”Absolutely Barbara, here are a few for starters:  #WheresTheWoman #CenterOfTheUniverse #RoseAmongThorns #GIRLATTORNEY #GAPhotos #1980s #TNGAGroup #SoleGA #ForTheWin

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Coffee Mug – Not the Court Reporter

Speaking of things COMPLETELY UNIQUE to being a Girl Attorney – ever been mistaken for the Court Reporter? I bet there’s not a litigating gal among us who has not been so mistaken. Let me be clear….it’s no insult!!! But, it’s wrong – a presumption based on A freaking BODY PART! It is with this experience (which I both accept in good humor AND fight against) in mind that I will proudly offer this (in the small shop on the Girl Attorney website). These mugs just came in yesterday (but I was in deposition all day – where, I will concede, I was not mistaken for the Court Reporter – might have helped that the client was presented at the Court Reporter’s office). I opened the box of these this morning – & I am equal parts amused and pumped, and am thoroughly enjoying my first cup of coffee for the day. ❤ ⚖ ☕️

#NotTheCourtReporter #GAMugs #GAShop #GirlAttorneysOnly

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100 Years of Jeanette Rankin

“I may be the first woman member of Congress,” she observed upon her election in 1916. “But I won’t be the last.” – Jeannette Rankin

I. LOVE. THIS. WOMAN. I think you might, too!

If you’d like to read more – Wikipedia has a great write-up on her – or read here:…/L…/R/RANKIN,-Jeannette-(R000055)/

#FIRSTWOMAN #JeannetteRankin

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Women’s History Month

After seeing Hidden Figures, I got to thinking about the fact that when I was growing up, my favorite person in history was Harriet Tubman….and I got to wondering if it was [not just because she was a badass, but – in part -] because she was the only woman who was highlighted in my textbooks as a kiddo. (Btw, can you imagine how odd it would be for our male counterparts if the reverse could even be thoughtfully considered by them?).

Well, while GA is otherwise focused on promoting awareness of women attorneys (past & present), this month I will take the liberty to feature women outside the legal profession, as well! I hope you enjoy getting to know them a bit, as much as I enjoy finding and presenting them to you. (Actually, if you enjoyed it only half as much….you’d still net a win.)


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