The “B” Word for Women Leaders (and all of our daughters): “Balancing” Strength and Style to Communicate Effectively

From Huffington Post authored by Jill S. Goldsmith J.D., LAC, NNC:

“I recently participated in a Girl Scout workshop to help girls learn leadership and public speaking skills. CEOs mentored girls as they prepared to give a one-minute ‘pitch’ about what change they would like to see in the world. Many girls spoke passionately about gender discrimination.

Whether talking about gender parity or other big issues, communicating effectively and assertively can be difficult for women and girls. If they speak up and speak out, they may be labeled a ‘B’ word. In my article published November 18, 2015 in The Huff Post, I identified 7 steps toward strategic assertiveness for women leaders. Below is an update of the article along with additional tips for girls in bold print.”

Read the full story by FOLLOWING THIS LINK.

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2017#4 Women in leadership — why is being nice valued over honesty?

From Medium authored by Emily Turner:

Woman’s Hour had an interesting debate this week on how women leaders can get the best out of people. One panelist argued that women leaders should be charming and make tea sometimes to oil the wheels. Another disagreed and said it was artificially authentic and they should use direct communications instead.”

Read the full story, by FOLLOWING THIS LINK.

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We Recorded VCs’ Conversations and Analyzed How Differently They Talk About Female Entrepreneurs

From Harvard Business Review authored by Malin Malmstrom, Jeaneth Johansson, and Joakim Wincent:

“These personas highlight a few key differences in how the entrepreneurs were perceived depending on their gender. Men were characterized as having entrepreneurial potential, while the entrepreneurial potential for women was diminished. Many of the young men and women were described as being young, though youth for men was viewed as promising, while young women were considered inexperienced. Men were praised for being viewed as aggressive or arrogant, while women’s experience and excitement were tempered by discussions of their emotional shortcomings. Similarly, cautiousness was viewed very differently depending on the gender of the entrepreneur.

Unsurprisingly, these stereotypes seem to have played a role in who got funding and who didn’t. Women entrepreneurs were only awarded, on average….”

Read the full story, by FOLLOWING THIS LINK.

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What Makes a Mentor?

The website, The Girl’s Guide to Law School®, is (unsurprisingly) a great resource for women who are in law school.  But also, I find that they often address issues that are relevant to law school graduates as well.  This story (authored by a law student, following her interview – on the topic of mentoring – with two women attorneys) is a great example of something that both communities can benefit from.

Whether you find yourself interested in finding out more about the possible value of finding mentors for yourself – or you may be considering why and how you could give back to your community by mentoring others – this bite-sized story has substance for you to chew on.  

Love to you all, 


From The Girl’s Guide To Law School authored by Gabriella Martin:

“Why Do We Need Mentors?

This is perhaps the most important question of all. I asked both women to summarize in one sentence what they believed to be the importance of mentoring in general. Maggie said, ‘To promote personal and professional development, community service, and to make a difference.’ Part of that promotion includes those who are mentored to return the favor by becoming a mentor themselves. Maggie says that she instills in her mentees the importance of giving back and being there for those who follow in your footsteps.”

Read the full story/interview, by FOLLOWING THIS LINK.

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Twins Dominate ‘Superhero Day,’ Dress As RBG And Sandra Day O’Connor

Well, this story just never gets old.  I came across it again today – and though I am pretty darn sure that most all of you saw it all over social media this past spring – these two cuties and their mama are such a sweet story that I couldn’t resist the draw to remind everyone of their super-fierce adorableness.  

Love to you all, SCC

From Huffington Post, authored b Taylor Pittman:

“I want to raise them to be smart, strong women and worry more about shattering glass ceilings instead of fitting into glass slippers,” she said. “I tell them all the time that they are smart and beautiful and they have the power to change the world.”

Read the full [inspiring/completely-adorable] story, by FOLLOWING THIS LINK.


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Lawyer suspended for swearing in front of jury, scoffing at trial rulings

This is a cautionary tale that most of us can learn from…well, I think so, anyway….that most of us can admit that on the wrong day, in a particular[ly frustrating] case, we could possibly find ourselves on a path, as Ms. Motta, to what would actually be self-sabotoge and an eventual humble apology to the Court.

In our work – we are as good as our hard work and our passion combined.  Keeping ourselves – our passions – in professional “check” can be a challenge at times.  Let’s be self-aware, encouraging to one another, and good to ourselves so that we are better equipped to deal with the stressors that we are presented with in – and outside of – the courtroom.

Love to you all, SCC

From The Chicago Tribune authored by  Jason Meisner:

“By rule, the order was forwarded to the Illinois Attorney Registration and Disciplinary Commission, which could decide to impose further sanctions. Online ARDC records show Motta has been licensed to practice since 2004 and has never been disciplined.

Reached by telephone, Motta, whose firm has offices in Aurora and downtown Chicago, had no comment Friday for this story. Her attorney, James Doppke, later issued a statement saying she ‘looks forward to moving past this unfortunate situation so that she can resume fighting for those accused of serious crimes in federal court.’

‘Ms. Motta sincerely regrets that she projected her frustration with the system in her demeanor in the way the judge described,’ the emailed statement read.

Doppke said Motta made the profane comment under her breath, but sensitive courtroom microphones picked up the remark.”

Read the full story, by FOLLOWING THIS LINK.


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Ms. JD Chats: A How to Guide for Summer Associate Success with Grover Cleveland

SAVE THE DATE, students!  I hope some of you will find this opportunity helpful as you prep for your summer associate work.

Special thanks to Ms. JD for their work in curating and providing these kinds of opportunities to hear from folks to encourage and inspire you.  Also, special thanks to Mr. Grover E. Cleveland as he makes himself, and his insights, available to the next generation of attorneys.

Love to you all, SCC

From Ms. JD authored by  LAURA BLADOW:

“Join Ms. JD on Thursday, May 18th at 2:30 PM ET for a live stream with Grover E. Cleveland, as he shares the secrets to succeeding as a summer associate, including:

  • How to make yourself stand out;
  • How to seek and incorporate feedback so you keep getting better;
  • Why you should attend those pesky networking events and tips for how to conduct yourself once there;
  • How to bounce back if you make a mistake;
  • Why you should treat the summer as one long interview;
  • And so much more …

Grover is a Seattle lawyer, speaker and the author of the bestselling career advice book for new lawyers, Swimming Lessons for Baby Sharks: The Essential Guide to Thriving as a New Lawyer…”

Read the full story, and to get to the link that will connect you with the livestream feed on the Ms. JD YouTube channel, by FOLLOWING THIS LINK.

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Carolina Rubio: Leading and Serving through Creating

I am bursting with pride to update you on a couple of new projects from our prior-Feature GA Artist, Ms. Carolina Rubio – whom Mitú fairly and succinctly describes as, “Immigrant lawyer by day, artist by night.”

Mitú has recently partnered with Carolina, animating her powerful artwork – and further bringing it to life through her very words.  She compassionately educates us, “Eighty-eight percent of children are still unrepresented in court, when the cross the border. They have no access to legal representation, and that is just outrageous.”

For the engaging, beautiful, haunting, and compelling video encouragement to SEE and CARE FOR our fellow humans, FOLLOW THIS LINK: We are mitú – Carolina Rubio MacWright, Esquire/Artist

Additionally, I want to invite you to catch up with Carolina’s work with immigrants and their families as she works with and through Brooklyn Clay Studio. She’s encouraging and educating women – as they create, and as they pass babies around the room. ❤️  I’d suggest that the best place to follow Carolina’s work with Brooklyn Clay (as well as her other ongoing projects serving the immigrant community) is through Instagram – follow this link to her account to check it out: CARUSTOL INSTAGRAM.

Love to you all – as each of us serves our respective communities – our clients – in their quest for justice,


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Now, a [LOVELY] word from our SPONSOR: Life and Law In Balance Summer Retreat

GIRL, YOU THOUGHT YOU MISSED A DEAL?  Good news!  Miraval just announced a summer sale that will apply to your room reservation cost – if you book by this Tuesday, May 9, 2017.

The Life and Law in Balance Summer Retreat respects the rhythms of both “Hustle” and “Flow” in life and law – and will enable to you to discover what facilitates the best of both, for you and by you, in both.  

One of our very own, Heather Hubbard, Retreat organizer and practicing attorney, is the heart, mind, and soul behind the Law and Life in Balance Summer Retreat.  The location, Miraval, was specially-selected by Heather as an important piece of the transformational experience she will facilitate for you.  

Btw, have I mentioned lately, that Miraval is a favorite Retreat Spa of both Oprah and Ellen? 😉

Girl, follow this link to: REGISTER TODAY.  YOU WILL NOT REGRET IT.

Love to you all, SCC

Also READ MORE, from the Retreat site’s “About” Page:

The Life & Law in Balance Retreat will be held at the all-inclusive five-star Miraval Resort & Spa in Tucson, Arizona from June 11-14, 2017.

The June retreat is open to all female attorneys.

As lawyers are expected to perform under higher and higher levels of stress, it’s no wonder that you may be struggling to achieve the levels of success and satisfaction you’d like.

Life & Law in Balance can help. 

As you get away from the hustle and bustle of daily life and settle into a serene natural environment, you will begin to decompress, unplug and open up to a life-changing, empowering experience. When you give yourself the space to focus on the strategy of your career, you can consciously design a path to achieve your deepest desires.

Whether you’re seeking to make partner, build your book of business, navigate firm or corporate politics, attain a leadership position, or simply manage a heavy caseload, this program is designed to help you create an actionable plan that will take you to the next level.

The Life & Law in Balance Retreat takes an innovative approach to help you build confidence, reduce stress, deal with distractions, tackle negative thinking, and strategically plan for your future.

Combining the best aspects of wellness retreats with professional development workshops, including 10 hours of CLE credit, you won’t find another retreat like this designed especially for female attorneys.

You will leave feeling grounded, clear and restored, with a renewed energy and zest for life and law. You’ll also have a strategic plan in place and the tools necessary to help you achieve unstoppable success.

Ready to rise to the challenge?


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GA Artist Feature: Tracey Tawhiao

Tracey Tawhiao

A Lawyer and a builder

My uncle drives out to my house with his mate a builder
They talk in builder talk where a variety of grunts has meaning
I wonder whether I should do the girl thing and make a cuppa tea
Instead I dare to be unlike they were expecting and grunt too
They look a bit confused but I think they are just confused by my feminine accent
I try to get a grunt out with more resonance, more depth
Now they really are beginning to take a second look at me
I decide to talk in my own housewife-don’t-mess-with-me voice
“I really want to get rid of those aluminium windows, I want wooden ones”
If my uncles mate didn’t understand my grunts, he understands this less
“Why you want to get rid of those for, you have to paint the wood ones every five years”
He shakes his head and looks suspiciously at my uncle, who looks away
We move into another room for his inspection, no cuppa tea closer
This looks good says the builder in animated tones, no grunting at all
I imitate my uncles no nonsense voice this time, anything for a kick, I am a housewife
I want all that concrete exposed and that ceiling replaced, that wall out but then I smile pleasantly
The grunting starts again, they don’t want me to understand
My uncle takes his mate outside and I hear him say
I told you she was different, she can’t just have any old builder
She needs someone who won’t talk down to her, who won’t mind her being odd
She’s always been different this one, my uncle looks over to me
She might not sound all together but she’s a lawyer, yeah man she is
They both look at me so I smile and say, cuppa tea, I’ll just put the jug on

Tracey Tawhiao (c) 2010

Born in 1967, of Ngãi Te Rangi, Tuwharetoa and Whakatõhea descent.  She lives in Piha, New Zealand.

Bachelor of Arts (BA) Classical Studies major: Otago University, Dunedin, and Bachelor of Laws (LLB) Otago University and Auckland University.

Tracey is a multi-disciplined contemporary artist who has studied and worked in a variety of fields.  She is a writer, performance poet, filmmaker, qualified lawyer and a leading Mãori artist.  She is a published poet and as an artist she has exhibited works nationally and internationally including, New York, Los Angeles, Washington DC, Paris, Le Havre, Tahiti, Taipei and Melbourne.  Her artworks impart her experience and position as a Mãori woman in colonised society.  She has been a full time Artist for 20 years.

Tawhiao employs the use of newspaper in her artwork, obscuring passages and using boldly coloured pastel and simple graphic symbols that reflect Mãori rock art and Maori mythology.  By painting over the often negative news she subverts the viewer to an alternative, Mãori perspective, creating her own news stories by colonising the headlines. is Tawhiao’s One Hundred Poems Blog.  Below her featured artwork, we have featured one of her poems.

Tawhiao is the Director of Tawhiao Limited, a Creative Company for creating exhibitions, projects and shows. She is the Director of House of Taonga Salon,, a house of natural flow for artists to create and share.


Ms. Tawhiao invites you to please google her name if you want more information.

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